Jul 29Liked by Sandra Bell Lundy

Love hearing about how cartoonists work out their gags!

I'm wondering if the writing process is different for one-off strips than, say, a week long story arc? I was chatting with Bill Holbrook earlier this month and we both agreed that one-offs are harder to write (especially Sunday strips). Not saying that story arcs are "easy", but one-offs do seem to require extra thought behind it.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

I think the thing that makes one-offs harder (at least for me) are the sheer number you have to create without anything else to build on. Each comic is starting at ground zero. With a story arc, you already have a "lift-off" connection for each new strip. And even if you don't have a story arc going, having established characters gives you a well to draw from re. ideas.

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Jul 29Liked by Sandra Bell Lundy

That's the key, yeah! The most important thing about writing is having characters with strong enough personalities that they can drive the story and gags through. I always preach that characterization is the key when it comes to writing stories.

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Jul 29Liked by Sandra Bell Lundy

This is a classic example of that Fred Astaire vibe: all the hard work and meticulous attention to detail to produce a final result that feels smooth and easy.

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Thank God I’m not writing a university essay. I love writing but I usedto loath those. I’m not sure I could ever go back to studying anything where I had to write an essay. Weird since I do lots of other writing for free. What is it about university essays?

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Pressure associated with marks!

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You’re right. I was such a girly swot at school, I only wanted to do the things that would get me good marks. Which is why I didn’t study art and veered into science. Maybe that’s why I also really struggled with enabling payments on my Substack. Because now it counts. That and the massive imposter syndrome obviously.😜

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Geez, Alex...we're all in the eye of the storm right now. Everything is in transition. I love to see you go for it!

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