And so, in my sixth decade I have found that my perspective has flipped. Instead of DO! DO! DO! I have begun to find the value in “don’t”. Not that I still don’t set goals for myself, of course. But in the big scheme of things, a frantic long list of self-imposed “improvement” plans no longer seems like the way to live my best life. My resolutions for 2025 are:
(1) To follow my interests and maintain my focus on them. (In other words, don’t let myself get distracted…as in “the value of don’t).
(2) To be cognizant of the productivity necessary to achieve those interests. Which is actually just another reinforcement of Number (1) above.
These aren’t new resolutions for me. I’ve been trying to follow them for the past while. But a new year is a good time to review and remind myself.
Happy New Year to you all! Thank you for stopping by and reading and subscribing! And good luck with your own new goals or refreshing your old ones. And to sign off, I’m going to post a little saying that was posted on the clubhouse wall of the little Par 3 Golf Course I worked at in my high school days:
Success in not in never failing, but in rising every time your fall.
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Two very good pieces of advice👌… thanks, Sandra, and a happy new year to you too!
Happy New Year to you and your family.